May/June 2022 Manager's Update


The heat is on! I hope you and your loved ones are doing well and taking all the necessary precautions during this extreme heat we have been getting. This Texas heat is no joke, please ensure you are taking the time to stay hydrated and keep cool!

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, things are extremely busy at KLVJ and I’d like to take a moment to update you on just a few of the activities happening here at the airport.

Drainage Ditch Maintenance

A general maintenance cleanout of the drainage ditches located between the runway and taxiway alpha continues. However, daily taxiway closures have ended and traffic routes are back to normal. Thank you for your patience while we work to keep the drainage flow optimal. Please stay tuned to any NOTAMS for daily updates that may affect you directly.

New FAA RTR Tower

The new RTR tower and building are coming along very nicely. Not only is the FAA constructing the new tower and building, but also updating to all new computers and equipment. This is quite the upgrade for your ground clearance delivery and communications. We are all very happy to see this upgrade happening here at KLVJ!

Olympus Aviation

I would like to take a moment to welcome and shine a spotlight on OLYMPUS AVIATION whom are new to KLVJ! These guys offer up a ton of luxury helicopter services including tours, hog hunts, sky diving, and will also soon be offering charter services! Be sure to check them out and show these guys some KLVJ love! See their attached flyer for more information.

Very exciting times here at KLVJ and I am thankful to be a part of it all with each of you!

Happy Flying!

Jason Panos

General Manager


As mentioned above, the Brazoria County Drainage District #4 recently conducted a regular inspection of the drainage at Pearland Regional Airport. At their request of a few improvements, there will be crews out in the field with heavy equipment for maintenance on the infield drainage ditches between Taxiway A and Runway 14-32 (see picture to left). The crew have been briefed on airport safety procedures and will work to not impede you in any way. Please check NOTAMS for play-by-play updates during this project.


Just in time for summer, we are happy to announce that after numerous requests, the FBO now has a limited supply of Pearland Regional Airport hats! Stop by and get yours today before they are all gone!